7 Lessons To Learn From LOCK-DOWN

1. Digitization of work is the future

    As all of us know the consequences of going out for work due to this pandemic. We should consider working from home as its the best choice we have. Most modern industries have already switched to work-from-home policy. So, "We should learn different aspects of Digitization of Work".

2. Giving time to our-self

    This lock-down has undoubtedly made us give time to our-self. Free of all the hectic works we used to perform all day long. So, "We should feel our inner-self to enhance your life for better".

3. Eat homemade fresh foods

    We should all agree to the fact that we used to eat a lot of junk foods before coronavirus came to existence. While setting home, we can eat fresh and healthy homemade meals. So, "We should eat healthy for our health and fitness".

4. Giving time to family

    Before this corona situation, we all were busy in our workaholic lifestyle. Because of it, we were unable to give proper time to our family. So, "We should always find time to have a quality time with our family".

5. Enhance our skill and create a new habit

    One of the vital parts of our life is habits. Habits are the main factor to know who you are in life. So, "We should always try to build up a healthy and productive habit".

6. Time for spiritual growth

    Having self-awareness is very much crucial for the growth in our life. We should go deeper into our self to know who you are and what you want in life. So, "We should meditate to know our mind and how our internal world works".

7. Life after corona

    Eventually, the coronavirus situation will be over. Then What?? How are we going to face our life? There is and will be positive and negative of everything that happens. So, the world will create different life opportunities in various fields. So, " We should be ready to grab new opportunities which will be given by this world's turning point pandemic."